Potty training. It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s also not a process to be rushed. There is wisdom in taking the time to go at your child’s pace while also figuring out how best to train them. Children all respond to potty training differently. We’re talking about a reward method of potty training in partnership with CVS today.
We used different methods with each of our children, and even compared some of the different ways of potty training here.
*Photo credit
Today, let’s talk about the reward method! This one is the first kind I ever heard about, and we used it with a toddler that I used to babysit way back in the day.
For this method you’ll need a reward chart (download yours for free here), CVS training pants, and rewards! We recommend using something small like stickers for the rewards!
If you go too extravagant with the rewards that can actually prolong the process because the child will want to milk the rewards as long as they can.
Instead, use small stickers on the chart as a way that they can visually track how well they are doing! Little ones LOVE getting to put stickers on the right spaces too!
You can fill up as many of these sheets as you need. By the end, hopefully your child will be doing one a day!
If you use simple things like stickers, they can keep it going, long after they’ve been potty trained, or convert to a new reward chart, that covers tooth brushing, bath time or simple chores! This is a great way to introduce the concept of charts to your child so they can easily move forward into a new chart on a new subject!
The last important piece is to be sure to use CVS training pants. We recommend these because they have refastenable sides. These are so helpful for those times when your little one tries on the potty but didn’t really have to go yet. They can simply refasten the training pants and try again later!
They also have a wetness indicator which can help you keep an eye on things, even as you go about your day as well as customized absorbent protection for boys and girls.
I hope this will give you the tools you need to get your child potty trained. Especially with Spring Break coming up, now is the perfect time to train!
Have you thought much about potty training methods yet? Which one are you planning to try first?
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of CVS Training Pants
Nikka says
Your potty training method really works. Thanks for sharing with us.