Today we have our very first guest post in the “confessions of an imperfect mother” series. I’m so excited to introduce you to Karina from Grace for That. Karina is missionary and a mom of four beautiful little ones! I absolutely love her blog and the focus she puts on God’s grace. I enjoy reading her posts and seeing how she’s reminded of God’s grace in every situation in life. It is a beautiful reminder for all of us. I hope you take some time and stop by her blog after you read this fabulous post she’s shared with us today. I love her transparency in this, it is such an encouragement!!!
Of course, that’s not at all an original choice of wordings. But they are two words that come to my mind when I think about my own journey thus far on the road of motherhood and my imperfections.
Rachel @myheartsmission says
Thank you for sharing your heart, I have also struggled with many of the things you mentioned, and I agree. The more I focus on simply conforming my life to Christ and less on comparing myself to others- the more peace I feel. For it is not about what others are doing and whether I am doing it the same or differently, but am I living in obedience to my Lord and Savior? To what He has uniquely called me to in this life? Nothing else matters. Just trust and obey. Blessings on you, so glad I stopped by your blog today. :)
Beth says
We all struggle in these ways, Karina, but not all of us are courageous enough to share about it. For that I am thankful that you’ve chosen to be so vulnerable here, my friend. Thanks also for reminding us that our gracious Father loves us unconditionally. :)
Kelli says
I love when you said, “If I am concerned about others’ opinions of me then I cease to be concerned about Christ’s love for me.” You are so right. It’s either one or the other, it cannot be both. I pray I will live more concerned about what Jesus thinks rather than my reputation.:) Great post!
Amanda says
Karina you are a beautiful writer. I so admire your bravery in sharing this and knowing this makes you stronger in Him. Much love
Sarah says
What a precious, precious post. Thank you Karina and Paula for being open and honest! It is refreshing to be reminded that my identity is not in the decisions I make as a mother but is instead in the one who has redeemed me. Praise God for the redemption we have in Christ!
Jerralea says
I can relate with this post so well, Karina! I used to have feelings of pride and prejudice too, but raising three girls soon taught me otherwise …
Thank God for the HOPE we have in Him. He can redeem our mistakes – praise God!
Denise says
I enjoyed this.
Shell says
I think we should all focus more just doing the best we can and not worrying about judgement.
Laura Boggess says
Such beautiful transparency, Karina. I think it is easy to get caught up in these ways of thinking–especially when it comes to our children. Bless you for pointing us to the truth that frees!
Ashley Ditto says
This is amazing! Helped me so much!
Hands to Work, Hearts to God says
Hi Karina,We have to wrap all our deficiencies with HOPE, don’t we, or it really all gets depressing! Patsy from
Amanda says
I love that you write so honestly and with so much vulnerability. It’s refreshing. Thank you for being faithful to link up to Desire to Inspire!
Aprille says
I could have written this post. This is my story. Planned for (and was proud about planning for) a natural birth but my big malpositioned baby had other plans. It still hurts my pride to think about but God has given me grace and healing and forgiveness. :)
Paula says
glad it resonated with you :) I really enjoyed this one from Karina too! My first birth didn’t go how I planned either, but the 2nd was natural, and you know what? It really doesn’t matter to me now. the “experience” was different but the outcome was the same. a healthy baby and a beautiful family.