With most schools back in session these days, moms everywhere are left with the task of figuring out how to store or display the artwork kiddos bring home from school each day.
I personally have boxes stacked in a closet of every piece of art from preschool through Kindergarten and now that our oldest is entering first grade I decided I needed to get things under control.
I have no fancy plan of my own, but I asked a LOT of my blogger friends to tell me their best ideas, so I could find one that works for our family. Here are their best tips along with a couple awesome resources from affiliates. If you make a purchase through one of our links we will make a small commission at no additional cost to you.
Use these instructions to create collage art with your child’s best {abstract} masterpieces. She’ll also show you how to make fun greeting cards with them so you can send treasures off to grandma and grandpa instead of storing them in a box somewhere.
I loved this mom’s idea for a interchangeable wall art display. See how she uses glassless frames to get a really unique look while also make it kid-friendly!
These easy change artwork frames from amazon open like a little door in the front. It makes it so simple to just slide in the art of the day while also keeping all the old ones stored safely behind. I like that it means storing and displaying art at the same time! Multitasking for the win!
Store your child’s artwork by creating a special memory box for each kiddo. You can even organize by year with this mom’s nifty method!
Coordinate several frames like this mom did – decorating them with a rustic feel that ties in to the rest of your home decor. Then put your child’s best artwork inside! See how she displays her child’s art here.
Use this tutorial to create your own HUGE art frame. You can even cycle through some of the kid’s best pieces to keep it always updated and always changing!
Frame a bulletin board to use as a rotating art collage for your children’s work. You could even do one for each kiddo and let them choose what goes on their board after school each day.
If you are short on frames, use cereal boxes to make these adorable picture frames for children’s artwork.
You can also order some of these adorable children’s art shelves from minted. You can place framed art on top and hang their latest pieces from school on the bottom. It’s a gorgeous way to display the things they are really proud of!
Lots of moms are choosing to digitize their children’s creations. This method allows you to make a digital record of 3D creations and sculptures the kids make as well.
There are fun apps you can use that will work perfectly to help you get rid of paper clutter by digitizing your child’s drawings.
This mom uses her child’s school artwork to make memory art books each year. It’s an easy way to save everything in a way that you can actually enjoy it, instead of just having it in a box somewhere. You can also try this momagenda app to convert artwork and other school papers into a book.
Do you have a favorite way of storing or displaying your child’s artwork? Let us know in the comments!
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